Tag Archives: vacation

ready to relax

Two of the three roommates leave for the holidays today, and the third leaves tomorrow. That leaves Mick and I with a house to ourselves for over a week. Sweet. Whats even sweeter is the fact that we bought a 42″ LCD Television yesterday (our first joint purchase), and we gave each other part of our x-mas presents early. We obviously think the same. He bought me Super Mario Cart, and I bought him Lego Batman for the Wii. So basically, with the cost of the TV in mind…we dont need to leave the house at all the next few weeks. Well, maybe to eat. It will be nice to have the quiet of just us.
Im already in holiday mode mentally, but unfortunately have to work today, tomorrow and half of wednesday. Same goes next week too. Ahh well, ill take the break where i can get it, and just keep on accruing the vacation time for somewhere we want to go.
Happy Holidays everyone!

“Keep Austin Weird”

I guess thats a slogan over der in dem parts of Texas? Well…I leave tomorrow to find out if I can help in any way. Im guessing it won’t be a problem. I hope to have some posts of interest if not from, then after our lil journey to Austin. I ain’t never been to Texas! YeeHaw.

steve austin Austin Powers

Austin, Texas

I hope the third Austin is more entertaining…