Tag Archives: chicken

i just won a cluckin’ iPod shuffle

So my office had a costume contest.  The showing was mediocre, but better than years past.  Just wanted to share with you all my big win.  I won the iPod shuffle first prize for my version of a chicken.  I have been molting all over the office all day.  Keep in mind, that the costume is much better with its counterpart, Colonel Sanders, but seeing as though Mick and I work in different offices, that was unlikely.  I did it myself…and we will shine this evening together.  Better pictures not taken on my iPhone to follow after tonight.  Yah..I won a shuffle, and already have an iPhone and a 30gig iPod.  It will be my workout friend?  A re-gift?  Anyway…it was cool to win.

This is my chicken....will become more flushed out this evening.

these are my feet.

this is Mick at work.

this is Mick at work.

Mick came in tied for 3rd….won some coffee.

Just wait till you see it together…especially with Brody rocking his Chicken attire.

work appropriate

Friday is Halloween, and our company is having a Halloween themed potluck and costume contest.  Where is the line drawn as far as work appropriate costumery?  Is it where I feel comfortable?  Or is it thinking I have a shot at winning an iPod shuffle and coming in my “sexy” outfit.

Halloween is a time where every girl feels like they can do “sexy” costumes.  Sexy nurses, sexy Alice in Wonderland, sexy cops, etc.  I’m usually the anti-sexy costume.  Usually I do, ragdolls, bags of skittles, dead Beauty Queens, but this year…people may view my costume to be “sexy” even though I’m not really trying to be.

Im going to go as a chicken.  Apparently a sexy chicken because it involves a petticoat, tights and a tubetop.  Minimal clothes make for a sexy costume.   Is it acceptable to let my work see my ass in tights under a petticoat?  I honestly dont think so.  Should I modify the chicken costume to be work appropriate?  Im wearing a hat.  A chicken hat.  So basically my costume is going to be me as a chicken with a chicken hat on my head…thats a whole lot of chicken.

So, do I come as a chicken, or save it till the evening.  My other option for daytime at the office is wearing an oversized hockey jersey stained with real blood (thanks to Mick’s hockey playing days), and give myself a black eye with makeup.  Likely wont win me a shuffle, but I might save some face.

Thoughts?  I know, these are big issues.

fun in the kitchen

We have talked about buying food daily and cooking in the kitchen.  It is cheaper then eating out everyday, and usually last nights dinner is todays lunch.  Getting to the grocery store everyday is totally unreasonable though, so I buy the necessities and frozen stuff and if I require one more ingredient, I go to the corner store.

I like cooking.  This is new for me.  My mother wasnt the best cook, and I pretty much ate homemade quesidalls througout college.  Topped with avocado, and just one cheese inside.  Currently, I make a wicked stir fry, but thats where my skills stop.

Mick has had some experience in the kitchen, so he is constantly teaching me things.  We watch a lot of the food network now, and my newest show is Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger .  This one particular episode I watched the other day was all about making meals in a pinch.  15 minutes or less.   She made this pork with an orange juice concentrate chutney, and the inspiration for last nights dinner….a chicken mushroom quesidalla.  Not the boring one I used to make.  This had mushrooms, onions, cheese, chicken, the works.  We also didnt have the chili powder and cumin it called for, so we improvised with BBQ sauce.  Made for a great dinner, and an even better lunch.  I think i should start to take pictures of my efforts, cuz her photo is pretty, mine, not so much.

So this is the plan tonight.  I get a ton of emails from diet groups, SELF magazine, South Beach, etc… During my last trip to Trader Joes, I happened to buy all the ingredients…so I’m gonna try.

Chicken Breasts Stuffed With Goat Cheese and Arugula

Update: Here is a photo of the dish from last night.  It was tasty!


Recipes after the break.

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