work appropriate

Friday is Halloween, and our company is having a Halloween themed potluck and costume contest.  Where is the line drawn as far as work appropriate costumery?  Is it where I feel comfortable?  Or is it thinking I have a shot at winning an iPod shuffle and coming in my “sexy” outfit.

Halloween is a time where every girl feels like they can do “sexy” costumes.  Sexy nurses, sexy Alice in Wonderland, sexy cops, etc.  I’m usually the anti-sexy costume.  Usually I do, ragdolls, bags of skittles, dead Beauty Queens, but this year…people may view my costume to be “sexy” even though I’m not really trying to be.

Im going to go as a chicken.  Apparently a sexy chicken because it involves a petticoat, tights and a tubetop.  Minimal clothes make for a sexy costume.   Is it acceptable to let my work see my ass in tights under a petticoat?  I honestly dont think so.  Should I modify the chicken costume to be work appropriate?  Im wearing a hat.  A chicken hat.  So basically my costume is going to be me as a chicken with a chicken hat on my head…thats a whole lot of chicken.

So, do I come as a chicken, or save it till the evening.  My other option for daytime at the office is wearing an oversized hockey jersey stained with real blood (thanks to Mick’s hockey playing days), and give myself a black eye with makeup.  Likely wont win me a shuffle, but I might save some face.

Thoughts?  I know, these are big issues.

5 responses to “work appropriate

  1. I’d say it depends on your relationship with your co-workers and how you see your boss handling that. It IS the one day we get to embrace our “sluttiness” so I say go for the chicken, not the hockey thing. But mostly, have FUN! Life is short and honestly… they’ll think you’re HOT!

  2. I say the chicken 🙂

  3. Don’t chicken out on the sexy chick”en”

  4. so maybe the chicken…just toned down, a touch. Its also not nearly as good of an outfit without my counterpart, Colonel Sanders.

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